February is one of those awkward months, the excitement of the Christmas break has gone, the weather is miserable and the ambitions set out at the beginning of the year may be dwindling. February does not seem to have much going for it, and this ‘leap year’ we must put up with it for an extra day!
It is at times like this, that creating a sense of purpose and understanding what really energises you can be really useful. In this month’s edition, our film features David Chapman, who provides both insight and a great practical tool that will help you explore your underlying purpose and will help you discover what makes your heart go zing!
We have also taken a look at the Japanese concept of Ikigai, which is a powerful tool that helps people evaluate their mission, vocation, profession and passion.
If you are still unsure what actions are purposeful for you, it might be worth you having a conversation with someone who is close to you – it is incredible how other people often know us better than we know ourselves! There is a perfect chance to start the talking on 6th February as it is Time to Talk Day. This initiative has been set up to encourage us all to get better at the conversations around mental health so, give it a go, have a chat with someone about something that has been bothering you, as the saying goes ’A problem shared is a problem halved’. These conversations can be tricky, however with practice they become easier – maybe we should aim to have Time to Talk Everyday!
Have a good month and Enjoy The Festival!